Monday, February 1, 2010

Whole wheat pizza dough. . .I know it would turn out better if I added some AP flour. Its just so much healthier and more filling 100% WW. I don't know that I will ever get a crispy WW crust. I have been thinking that I could make WW bread with some AP so it doesn't weigh a ton and added seeds: caraway, sesame, fennel, wheat germ, etc. It would add more fiber. It would be like those new multi grain tortilla chips that have less corn flour. I guess I could do the same with pizza dough.

I have been thinking about this. Whole Foods sells their own pizza dough. They can make a killing on that: flour, water, yeast, sugar and oil. Cheap, cheap, cheap to make! They also sell their own bread crumbs, a half quart = $4!!! I must research this more.

Anyhow, pizza was good: cheese, canadian bacon, pepperocini, artichoke hearts. Two pieces and that's all I need. I am getting used to eating less, hopefully it will show in my gut some day.

Four n'Friends had an interesting talk on Sunday. Many start up business questions answered. Now we just need to figure out what we are providing. We are going to do catering and food products, but we need to start somewhere, with something simple and the rest will come. I am still for Farinata and Hummus. I really think we need to focus on health, as well as, cultural diversity. We have to start somewhere and these two items, to me, are easy, different, appeal to a large demographic (with a boost from the health conscious and health compromised) amd taste good.

I am dragging my feet a little on the catering only because we have no logo to put on business cards and a website. Our service will be more marketable if it is more memorable, the name is great, but some people need a visual, too. Maybe four horizontal lines in red, blue, white and black or yellow. Maybe a fruit or veg w/ four seeds inside, a baguette four marks on top, a sun with four rings, four different symbols. Not sure.

I passed my Food Safety Course today. So, at least that is taken care of.

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