Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yesterday was a snow day, so I made chilli. I have made it throughout the years varying the way my mom made it: onions (cut in half then wide slices), canned stewed tomatoes, ground beef and kidney beans. Yesterday I made it perfectly. I sauteed onions, portabella mushrooms and red bell pepper with salt. I added 90% lean ground beef and a lot of chili powder and cumin and more salt. When the meat was cooked through I added about a half a box of beef broth, reduced to nearly a syrup. I then added San Marzano tomatoes crushed by hand and more chili powder and cumin. I let that cook all together for about an hour then added black beans, adjusted seasoning and cooked about 1/2 hour more. I adjusted the salt at the end. It turned out great.

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